The purpose of NCJSA is to develop interest and extend services for youth in North Carolina, as well as promote quality standards and practices in all services offering care, treatment, prevention, education and protection for youth.
The goals of NCJSA are to cultivate interest and enlist public support for services to youth, promote professional growth of staff and programs and to encourage preventative services.
Organization History
1997 - August 1
Approval Of Nonprofit Status
The Association was approved for 501(c) (3) {non profit} status on August 1, 1997.
1979 - January 1
Banner And New Logo
A banner featuring a new logo was presented to the Association in 1979.
1978 - January 1
Name Change To NCJSA And Mission Statement
In 1978 the name was changed to the North Carolina Juvenile Services Association. “The purpose of this Association is to develop and extend services for children and youth throughout the state of North Carolina with primary interest in and concern for the promotion of quality standards and practices in all..Read More
1970 - October 1
First Outstanding Service Award
The first Outstanding Service Award was presented to Blaine Madison, Commissioner of the North Carolina Board of Juvenile Corrections in October 1970.
1967 - March 10
Name Change And Emblem
To reflect a more diverse membership as well as to extend and develop juvenile correctional services throughout the state, the name was changed to the North Carolina Juvenile Correctional Association on March 10, 1967. The emblem of the Association symbolized the integration of law, knowledge, and justice with the helping..Read More
1966 - November 29
November 29, 1966 – First Association Meeting
The North Carolina Juvenile Services Association was originally organized as the North Carolina Probation Association on September 13, 1966 at the Institute of Government in Chapel Hill, NC. The first meeting of the Association was held on November 29, 1966 in Chapel Hill.